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Summer Tomato Sauce..........Lesley Pappa

5+ lbs. garden tomatoes
1/4 cup olive oil
3/4 cup onion - finely chopped
4 cloves garlic - finely chopped
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 Tbl. sugar
1 cup fresh basil leaves

2-3 6oz. can tomato paste



Boil large pot of water.
In batches, score bottom of each tomato with an x, place in boiling water for 30 seconds.
Transfer to bowl of ice water.
Peel tomatoes, cut up and cook in a large pot until soft.
Press out seeds, return to large pot.
Heat oil in large pan, cook onions until soft, add garlic and cook for 1-2 minutes.
Add onions, garlic, oil. basil, tomato paste, sugar, salt and pepper to tomato sauce.
Simmer for 2 hours.

Makes 4 24oz. containers.

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