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Chicken & Sausage Pizzaiola..........Lou Pappa


12 ounces sweet Italian sausage links
3 tbl. olive oil
2 cups sliced onions separated into rings
2 large cloves garlic - finely minced
3 lbs. chicken parts
1 - 28 oz. can crushed tomatoes
1 large bay leaf
1 1/2 tsp. basil leaves
1 tsp. oregano leaves
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. ground black pepper
1 - 7 oz. jar roasted peppers - cut in strips

Pierce sausage links in several places.
In large skillet, heat 1 tbl. olive oil until hot.
Add sausages, cook over low heat until brown on all sides.
Remove sausages - put aside and cover with paper towel.
Add 2 tbl. olive oil to skillet.
Add onions and garlic to oil, cook until sautéed - stir frequently.
Remove onions and garlic - put aside.
Add chicken a few pieces at a time, cook until brown - put aside.
When all chicken is brown, add all back to skillet - skin up.
Arrange sausage and onions around chicken.
Add tomatoes, bay leaf, basil, oregano, salt and black pepper.
Simmer covered 40 minutes until chicken is cooked and tender basting occasionally.
Add roasted peppers to skillet, increase heat and cook uncovered  until sauce is slightly reduced.
Remove bay leaf and serve in shallow bowls.

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